Texas A&M Triads
Sleep and Biotechnology
2020-2021 Amount: $30,000
PI’s: Woltering, S.; Engelen, M. P.; Bukkapatnam, S. T.
These funds support research examining the relationship between cognition and sleep in elderly subjects.
Supports: Sleep project
Open-Project Fund
National Key Lab of Cognitive Neuroscience Learning at Beijing Normal University
Multidimensional investigation of the Role of Self-Regulation on Chinese Children Problem Behavior and Academic Performance.
2018 Amount: $25,000
PI’s: Woltering, S.; Tao, S.
Provides funds to support graduate student (Qinxin Shi) in setting up a research project at the National Key Lab of Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning examining the relationship between neural and behavioral correlates of executive function and types of play behavior.
Supports: PLAY and EF project
CEHD Catapult Grant
Advancing Literacy in Texas through Biometrics
2017 Amount: $30,000
PI’s: S. Woltering; B. Taylor; J. Liew; E. Cantrell; J. Thompson; M. Joshi.
Provides funds to examine the relationship between emotional regulation and academic performance (literacy) in young children. This project utilizes eye tracking to access reading ability.
Supports: LIMO project
Research Development Fund
Integrating Biometric Responses to the Social Sciences
2016 Amount: $1,200,000
Dual PI’s: M. Palma; S. Woltering.
Provides funds to purchase high-end Polysomnograph (PSG: EEG, respiration and cardiovascular measures, etc.) to measure sleep quality. These funds, will be the start of a research program that will systematically investigate the role of sleep quality on learning and health.
Supports: TBD
CEHD Catapult Grant
Waking Up! Becoming Leaders in Sleep Research for Better Health and Learning
2016 Amount: $40,000
PI’s: S. Woltering; N. Deutz
Provides funds to purchase high-end Polysomnograph (PSG: EEG, respiration and cardiovascular measures, etc.) to measure sleep quality. These funds, will be the start of a research program that will systematically investigate the role of sleep quality on learning and health.
Supports: Facilities, Sleep Project
Program to Enhance Scholarly and Creative Activities (PESCA)
Working Toward a Bio-Behavioral Center: Cyberlearning and Research Infrastructure Support
2015-2016 Amount: $25,000
PI’s: S. Woltering; R. Gutierrez-Osuna; S. Pedersen.
Supports the establishment of the neurobiological lab. Funds were awarded to purchase equipment for future research using psychophysiology (heart rate, skin conductance, etc.) and the development of online learning modules specific to neuroscience and psychophysiology in our lab. This support will greatly enhance learning experiences for students and enable research in psychophysiology.
Supports: Cyberlearning Project, Facilities
Transforming Lives Grant
Neural Markers of Adolescent Obesity
2015-2017 Amount: $30,000
PI’s: S. Woltering; S. Fields; J. Liew.
Provides start up funds to conduct research investigating neural markers for poor impulse control in obese adolescents. This is an internal TAMU grant in collaboration with the Health Behavior Research Group (HBRG) clinic in Bryan/College Station. Neural markers for impulsivity may assist in the clinical characterization, inform treatment plans, and lead to target neural systems for pharmaceutical intervention.
Supports: Obesity Project